Kind Campus Initiative

Keys to Kindness has various programs and initiatives to help create an encouraging environment and provide opportunities to connect the community to make a difference. We provide the opportunities and tools through our programs and initiatives to give others the chance to make an impact in some one’s life and in return their own.

Classroom Kind Kits and Staff Kind Kits connect students, staff, and families for kindness and an Encouraging Environment. Keys to Kindness plants a positive seed and takes the pro-active approach to bullying instead of re-active. Kindness is one of the Pillars of Character and can be the foundation to teach many of the other pillars of character. Having staff unite with students for the goal of kindness creates an encouraging environment. Families become involved in the Kind Campus by being able to participate through the program and events that can be held by the school. Scientific studies prove there are many physical, emotional, and mental health benefits associated with kindness for children and adults.

To get your school involved today, please contact us.

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